Dansk Vare Magasin Kurvemøbler (01)
Korbmöbel, wicker furniture, pieces of basketwork, meubles en rotin
Korbmöbel, wicker furniture, pieces of basketwork, meubles en rotin
Design: Primus Nielsen
ca. 1913/14
Vare - Magasin
Frederiksberggade 16
Druckerei / printer / imprimeur: Sophus Kruckow
Reklame, Werbung, Werbekunst, publicity, advertising art, publicité, réclame, publicidad, reclamo, pubblicità, pubblicizzazione, reclame, Вербовка, Рекла́ма
Reklamemarken, Werbemarken, Vignetten, poster stamps, cinderellas, vignettes publicitaires, bolli
Erinnophilie, Erinnofillia
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